
Students from more than 30 nations around the world are represented at 皇冠365官方app. 大多数年份,大约20%的学生来自美国以外.S., contributing to a diverse international community bound by understanding and respect.



Applicants who live outside the United States should follow the same process as US residents, 只有一些不同之处.



If English is not your first language, TOEFL or SLEP scores are required as part of your application. TOEFL scores can be sent directly to 皇冠365官方app using school code 8079.



如果参观普特尼的校园是不可能的, we will arrange the required interview via video or phone after you have submitted your application. 校内面试可以随时安排.



Once you have been accepted to 皇冠365官方app and have signed your enrollment contract, we will issue you an I-20 form that will assist you in getting your student Visa.


You must be accepted by 皇冠365官方app before you can apply for an F-1 Visa. We will issue an I-20 for each year the student is enrolled at Putney. 当你到达时, 我们会把你的移民文件存放在一个安全的地方, 并保留副本,以防丢失或损坏.


Submit your signed enrollment contract and pay the enrollment deposit (5% of tuition). You must also send financial documentation that demonstrates your family’s ability to pay the costs of your US education.


把完成的还给我们 I-20信息表 还有护照复印件. 我们会给你一张I-20表格, to use when you apply for your Visa at the United States Consulate or Embassy in your country.


Make an appointment to apply for the Visa at the United States consulate nearest to you. There is an application form, a fee, and an interview as part of this process.


If for some reason your Visa application is denied, please contact us immediately. We can often provide additional documentation or support when you re-apply.

关注我们的微信,了解我们的国际社会, 用中文虚拟参观我们的校园.


在普特尼的232名学生中,约有40名来自美国以外. Most of these students are citizens of other countries; some are dual citizens, 还有一些是居住在海外的美国人. “国际学生”的定义各不相同, but any student living outside the US offers experiences and insights we value for our “world at Putney.”

是的. 我们有两层 考试 (《皇冠365》) programs — intermediate and advanced –- for students who need additional language training.

The school enrolls about 80 new students each year, from the US and around the world. Our 考试 program is small, however, and is limited to 8-10 new students each year.

International students whose first language is not English are not required to take the SSAT. 作为英语能力的衡量标准,托福或睡眠测试成绩是必需的.

Please submit your TOEFL score directly to Putney by using school code 8079 when you take the test.

Most students apply for the same grade they would enter in their home country. 然而, it is sometimes a good idea to apply for the same grade you are finishing at home, to give you one more year of education in English before applying for college. Repeating one grade when moving to an American school has many benefits. Each situation is different, and you should discuss this with our 入学 office.

We accept applicants for all grades, although these spaces are more competitive. 如果你是11年级的学生, you need to demonstrate a readiness for our advanced 考试 class or higher. 如果你是12年级的学生, you will need to include with your application a statement of intent on what courses and activities you wish to take during your year Putney. If you are applying for 11th or 12th grade you will need a high command of English. 托福95分(IBT)的成绩通常表明这种准备, as does prior experience in a mainstream program at another American school.

我们很少在年中招收国际学生. Our academic year unfolds in such a structured way that entering midway does not provide the orientation and adjustment time we feel our international students need.

是的. 我们为合格的学生提供一些帮助. 通常,最高补助金是总成本的50%. 希望收到的家庭 金融援助, 必须申请.

是的, international student orientation begins a few days before new US students arrive. 这可以让国际学生从时差中恢复过来, 了解校园, 与我们的国际大使会面, 购买宿舍用品, 和更多的. New international students are encouraged to participate in our 皇冠365官方app Skype program, which matches them with a current student to help them know what to expect upon their arrival to Putney.

Putney’s educational program considers that learning should be creative, collaborative, and flexible. 学生应该学会提出好的问题, 研究和分析, 清晰有力地分享他们的想法. These skills cannot be measured by standardized tests such as the APs, which are designed to teach students how to answer questions that others have asked. 帕特尼从未上过AP课程, 现在,国内许多顶尖学校也加入了我们的行列. 我们很清楚,大学理解我们的项目, because our students do well in today’s competitive college-admission process.

每年, Putney’s seniors apply to a great variety of colleges; this variety represents the individuality of our students. 这是一个 列表 我们最近的毕业生就读的一些好学校.

是的, 帕特尼学校有一个学生学习英语的暑期项目, 还有艺术项目, 写作, 在农场里. We strongly urge new Putney international students to attend our summer English program for three or six weeks. 请阅读更多关于我们的 皇冠365官方app的计划,或请求皇冠365程序.  Students who are accepted into our academic-year program do not need to complete a full application for summer.
